What a spectacular Charter Night we experienced! Kudos to President. . .
We had an interesting session on discovering what is Golf all about. . .
Event witnessed the recognition of select teachers of 4 Govt schoo. . .
Sep Board meeting was held virtually with good participation of abo. . .
What a wonderful gathering of Families of Madras West at the first . . .
Rtn. Manickavel started with a mention that they have four producti. . .
Delighted to have been part of todays Independence Day celebration . . .
we had the board meeting at RTn GVs farm house with almost 100% att. . .
Under the Initiative of President a Orientation program was organis. . .
Mr Bhargav; MD of Cadilai Motors shared his 25 yrs exp as a social . . .
PDG Suburamaniam was invited to talk on leadership strategies for t. . .
Board discussed the avenue wise presentations of programs for the y. . .
over 28 members attended for this first club assembly meeting.
Rtn Dr SivaMuthu Kumar was installed as the 60th Diamond Jubliee ye. . .